• Voting

    My theory in choosing a liberal as a running mate was that it would blow the collective mind of the lefty media.  They wouldn’t know how to cover it.  But after Jerry’s comments I gave it some more thought.  The media wouldn’t…

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  • How To Vote

    I am going to give you a quick lesson on how to pick your candidates.  Probably the most important thing an American can do in our democracy, which is actually a representative republic, is often relegated to listening to 30 second attack…

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  • More Sadness

    First I’d like to agree with Abby, yes the Amish are classy.  Very respectable people and good citizens, they are good examples of the Christian ideals of forgiveness and love (over half the people at the killer’s funeral were local Amish people). …

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  • Secure

    Abigail forgot her homework yesterday, so I wound up visiting her school. I like the school and I like the staff. There were a couple of differences that were glaring to me, but probably wouldn’t be to the casual visitor, though. They…

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  • I Really Am Sorry But That’s No Excuse

    I am really sorry I haven’t been around for a while. I have been “sleeping in” until 4 or even 4:30 and so have barely even gotten to my e-mail. It is hard to write updates when the house is full of…

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  • The Visitor

    I have seen it around in various forms and perhaps you have, too. The message is pretty clear. It is not original with me, but I wish it were. Feel free to copy it and send it around. I am still working…

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  • Remember! Remember! Remember!

    This is a reprint from one I found a couple of years ago that I think is even more relevant now. I found this floating around a couple of places and do not know who the author is. I wish I had…

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