• Sick Kid

    Just a quick note to all of you.  I had a sick kid, we’re talking two seven-hour nights in the E.R. sick, and haven’t been near the computer in a couple of days.  She had neck pain that shot into her head and…

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  • Customer Service

    Now here is a lesson in customer service and positive PR that some websites would do well to learn from.  In my last entry I mentioned, sort of “en passant,” that Carter and I had started our website, the long-awaited, much-anticipated “Republic of…

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  • Title Goes Up Here

    So, I was at my favorite trivia site, Gullible.info and found this little tidbit: “.18 percent of blog posts indexed by Google blog search begin with the word “so”.” So I’m sorry, I just don’t have time to do much writing of any sort, even…

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  • Givethanksing Day 2

    I found the folder that had the pictures from my mom’s last visit out here. It was only three months ago that she passed away and only five months ago that her church sent her out here as chronicled here Day 1,…

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  • Herb’s Miscellany

    I’m back on-line now. I had a couple of projects that I wanted to complete and it took more of my morning time than I wanted to, but I am back now (why does grammar checker want to change that to “I…

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  • I Still Swear…So Help Me God

    *Standing at attention, right arm at ninety degree angle* “I, Herbert C. Thiel, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance…

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  • Stem Cell Issue

    Hollyweird has been unusually quiet this election.  Maybe someone told them to shut their traps, or as Laura Ingraham says in the title of her book, “Shut up and sing.”  There has been a noticeable flap between Michael J Fox and Rush…

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