Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22275 – 784: Here’s the haps: I am old-fashioned about a lot of things. We live in a society today of rudeness and telephones are one of the worst places for lacking manners. And it isn’t just that people…
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22273 – 783: Here’s the haps: Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, Foundlings, Fashionistas, and Escaped Laboratory Rats, Greetings, salutations and hi there. I have been feeling puny these last few days and got a test for Covid, which turned…
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22264 – 781: Here’s the haps: A lot of long-time followers and some others will know that I love to read. I have a varied, sometimes eclectic taste in reading. The fact that I have just finished a book…
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