• Nothing Tonight

    Sorry, the time has slipped away, what with running back and forth to and from the hospital and everything else, I just have run out of time and energy to post anything in my blog tonight. Sorry. No entry tonight.

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  • Hats Off To The Hospital Workers

    Hats Off To The Hospital Workers

    Note to readers: If you don’t like to read about hospitals and death or near-death, and feel it may bother you, I won’t be offended if you skip this one. I may leave out a bunch of details but I am really…

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  • Tomorrow Is Another Day

    Tomorrow Is Another Day

    I know that goes against what I said a couple of days ago, but there are some days when everything does not fit due to circumstances beyond your control. All you can do sometimes is hope and pray that you’ve made good…

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  • The Invisible Dromedary

    The Invisible Dromedary

    There was once a dromedary whose fur was an amazingly close match in color to the desert sand, and he was almost impossible to see. Some called him, “the invisible dromedary” but in reality he wasn’t invisible; he was just really well…

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  • Thank You!

    Thank You!

    A big thanks to everyone who came to my party. And everyone who wanted to and wasn’t able to make it or had to leave early, because I know your heart was here. I have the best friends and family a man…

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  • The Big Six Oh

    The Big Six Oh

    For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told. The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is…

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  • Art? I Don't Know Nuttin'

    Art? I Don't Know Nuttin'

    I think this is the last of the Mystery Blogger Award questions I will answer. It has been fun to use them as writing prompts and, as anyone who knows much about me at all knows, I love to create puns. I…

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