No Herbdate Here’s the haps: My Internet has been down off and on all day so some of the interesting conversations I have been having with you all are interrupted. Is this a First World problem or what?
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22359 – 823: Here’s the haps: So everybody wants to be considered a unique individual just like everybody else. The attitude is everywhere. It is most prevalent among younger teenagers but it’s a desire that most people have in one…
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22358 – 822: Here’s the haps: I usually say something about Shakespeare on the twenty-third of April every year. It is, as best as anybody can tell, the day he was both born and died, 1564 – 1616. This year…
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22357 – 821: Here’s the haps: Aah, haps shmaps. Reduplication shmeduplication. So what? Who cares? I originally got interested in this because I was at someone’s blog and saw that an apostrophe appeared misplaced, although after re-reading the piece I…
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