• Against The Wall

    Against The Wall

    It’s been a while since I have let myself get into the position of not having a post ready to go. I had a couple of ideas and then when I started to work on them I couldn’t get them to work…

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  • Curmudgeonly Monday – Likers

    Curmudgeonly Monday – Likers

    I joined the WordPress.com community a while ago using the Jetpack plugin on my self-hosted site. I think I like the reader for the most part. I have it set up so people can comment on posts by visiting my site or…

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  • Genie in the Ology

    Genie in the Ology

    As some of you know, my wife is working on compiling our genealogy and spends hours tracking down distant relatives on both sides and knows a lot more than most of the family about it. Most of the people were respectable, hardworking…

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  • World Poetry Day

    World Poetry Day

    So, I saw a couple of different places that today is World Poetry Day. This was at the same time I was going through some old junk in my saved folders. I look at stuff I’ve written and a lot of it’s…

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  • Things To Do Online

    Things To Do Online

    If you don’t have Erratic Engineeress on your blog reader or in your subscriptions, please allow me to recommend her site. As with any link that goes off my site, I obviously can’t control what happens or what their content is, but…

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  • Throw It Back Thursday – Al

    Throw It Back Thursday – Al

    “Hey, Al! Al Dente!”I couldn’t believe it. It was my old pal, “Lenny! Lenny Guinne! How are ya these days? Still making a pesto yourself?”“Nah. I’ve been seeing this shy little noodle. Although she’s really come out of her shell, lately.”I elbowed…

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  • The Math Of Toilet Paper

    The Math Of Toilet Paper

    Before I get started, please don’t drink bleach to prevent Covid-19. You will seriously injure and possibly kill yourself. Apparently, this has become enough of a thing in Virginia that a poison control center had to issue a warning on the news.…

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The content of this blog, my website and any other of my works in any other form are my original creation. They are not free to use in any way or form without my express, written license and consent except as provided for by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is not limited to, use for training of generative artificial intelligence, large language models, and any other technologies past, present, or future which use any part of the work of the author.

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