Going Streaking

Going Streaking

Herb’s Blog Herbdate 21735-301(?):

I hope I don’t have a stinky diaper, but I do want to start a streak and get on a roll. No, not the old 70’s kind of streaking, but I want to start a streak. I read the blog of a guy named Seth Godin who is, I suppose, what is called an “Internet Influencer.” He is a marketing maven of some ilk or other and often writes interesting entries about a wide variety of subjects, not just marketing. He does, of course, offer a variety of books and classes for fees, but his blog has loads of free, frequently good, advice.

Well, his entry yesterday, called Streaks, struck home with me. You should read it. It’s not very long at all but has a bit of advice that threw me for a loop. Some of his entries are very short, others are quite long, but the thing that they all have is that they are part of a streak. A streak of making an entry every single day for the last 11 years.

Coulda, shoulda, woulda.

I started blogging in 2004. I coulda had a streak that long.

In fact, with technology being what it is and even what it was back then, I look back on it and realize I shoulda did it.

I think that maybe I woulda, had I known then what I know now.


From now on, even if it’s only a one-sentence paragraph, I’m gonna do it. Follow me for the next 11 years and see if I do it or not.


7 responses to “Going Streaking”

  1. Tony Laplume Avatar

    (Didn’t you resolve to blog more frequently already? Anyway, good to hear from you again.)

  2. Herb Avatar

    lol. * hangs head * Yes sir, I did. And you were one of the most encouraging people, too. I think time just gets away from me and I don’t notice that days have become months or longer, then I look and feel foolish jumping back in and pretending I’ve been around a long time.

  3. […] August 9th, in an entry entitled, “Going Streaking,” I made a commitment to make an entry in this blog every single day. Since then I have only […]

  4. […] blog that I was going to write in this blog every single day for as long as I could. That was on August 9, 2019. Today marks the 300th day after that. Yes, I have missed a couple of times but even having missed […]

  5. […] For me and the blog here it was a combination of things. I had good friends and readers at the time who encouraged me to write (and have since picked up more) and my vanity was challenged by the guy who had blogged every day for 11 years. https://thehapswithherb.com/2019/08/09/going-streaking/ […]

  6. […] perhaps many of you will remember a post I did about streaking (no, not the Seventies kind). It was about a commitment I made to myself at the time. Since that […]

  7. […] know why I’m thinking about this. Well, yes, actually, I do. I’ve got an itch. On August 9, 2019, I made myself happy. I started streaking. What‽‽ Good heavens, no! Not the Seventies kind. […]

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