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Category: Yard Animals

  • Something I Learned about WordPress on NaBloPoMo #7

    Something I Learned about WordPress on NaBloPoMo #7

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23286 – 1171 Here’s the haps: So, in yesterday’s post I mentioned the fact that I can import photos from my Google photos and it seemed to work just fine. The way it works is that WP imports your photo from Google to your media folder. Along the…

  • We Can Put A Man On The Moon, Yet…

    We Can Put A Man On The Moon, Yet…

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22926 – 1013 Here’s the haps: The bird feeders were empty so I went to the store to buy more bird seed. A simple, straightforward mission easily accomplished. I came home with this: And then I zoomed in on this: My initial reaction was to laugh at the…

  • NaBloPoMo Day 18 – A Bird Of Prey Visits The Woodpile

    NaBloPoMo Day 18 – A Bird Of Prey Visits The Woodpile

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22567 – 880 Here’s the haps: I never have the camera (the better one that is a camera for taking pictures, not a phone) when I really need it. There is a small woodpile in the backyard and when I looked out the window there was a smallish…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021: Z Is For Zoological Observation Opportunity

    Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021: Z Is For Zoological Observation Opportunity

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22365 – 829: Here’s the haps: Colorado is home to very diverse flora and fauna and even though I have lived in this same city and state for over thirty years I still get a chance to be surprised every once in a while. Just as I was…

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