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Category: Writing

  • Writer’s Block

    So this is writer’s block?

  • Untitled Writing Post

    So, if you sit down at your typewriter (I use the term colloquially, of course and in agreement with Kelly that typewriters are of the devil) and don’t have any ideas, then what? What can you do? I like to put out something that is interesting and fun to read…

  • Typing

    I am sitting looking at what; in the days gone by, would have been a blank sheet of paper in the typewriter. How did Sir Arthur write all of his stories longhand? They say that if you want to write you should just sit down and do it. Maybe. I…

  • Salmon of Doubt

    One of the books I have read recently is The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams. This book is, I think, intended for diehard Adams fans that have read most of his other work. If you have read at least three of the five books in the Hitchhiker’s Guide To…

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