Category: Writing
On Updates
Okay, I apologize for not updating very often, but sometimes there are, Oh I know you won’t believe this, but, sometimes there are more important things that the internet. Occasionally there are even more important things in life than blogging. What sacrilege he speaketh! I also apologize to Daveman…
Google Yourself
I read a good article in the new “Writer’s Digest” the other day. It is the July 2005 issue with the girl on the cover who is holding her laptop as though she just won the $3000 prize in their contest. Anyway, on page 50 there is an article by…
Monday the Thirteenth
(Okay, so I didn’t get this posted until Tuesday, yesterday WAS Monday the 13th, after all.) Greetings, fans, friends, fiends and foes. I haven’t got much to say, but as you know, that has never stopped me from saying it before. (Soosan, There was an article in the new Writer’s…