Category: Writing
Update As Of 7-19-06
Not much time to update since the laptop went belly-up but here are a couple of things, “hot off the wire.” Mom was in the hospital last couple of days, didn’t sound very good at all, but they pulled her through. My brothers, who live there in Shawano area, had…
Lenny D
When I worked at the big name bookstore there were two things that happened which I think relate directly to the big flap over the new movie, “The Davinci Code.” One of the things we were supposed to do while we were there was to make sure we were familiar…
No More Excuses
Well, I had to spring for a new DC — AC power inverter for the laptop, which means, of course, that I have more time now to write and so no more excuses, which hopefully means I will be back to doing more updates. As of this writing, 3/27/06, 9:21…
I Ain’t Gone Yet
So, I went ahead and broke the little plug-in deal for the inverter for the laptop. Well, I didn’t break it, I just took it apart to see if the fuse had gone out and the spring sent this little metal piece flying through the air. It might still be on the…