Category: Writing
Actually, since I have a blog, I suppose I should spend some time writing in it. I am happy that people are finding my little spot here. Some seem to have disappeared, but it’s early yet and I haven’t been making my rounds like I should. One reason is this…
I Really Am Sorry But That’s No Excuse
I am really sorry I haven’t been around for a while. I have been “sleeping in” until 4 or even 4:30 and so have barely even gotten to my e-mail. It is hard to write updates when the house is full of people. The laptop is officially dead and while…
A Whine, er, an Update
Well, the drugs are beginning to take effect and I am feeling somewhat better. I still have a broken laptop, though, and can’t find enough peace and quiet all at one time to work on anything much. I did find a few half-entries on my flash-drive and will try to…
Blogging Meme
Got this over at Chrysalis’ Blog. The loss of the laptop has affected my blogging, but I will try to keep the momentum up that I had going. Plus, I have been sick and it turned into Bronchitis and was prescribed Antibiotics and the “Good” cough medicine. I am very…