Category: Writing
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 U
Blogging A – Z Challenge U is for Ubiquitous This is one of my favorite words, but alas, unlike that overused, misused and abused adjective, “awesome,” ubiquitous is not found commonly used by a lot of people. This is a shame. It is a good, fun word with a solid…
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 Q
Blogging A – Z Challenge Q is for Quitting? Nope. Not gonna do it. Not gonna quit. Even though the month is over for the Blogging A – Z challenge, I am going to finish it out anyway. I can do it, even with screwball schedules and challenges that have…
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 P
Blogging A – Z Challenge P is for Poor, Pitiable Readers Please accept my apologies, gentle readers, but I do have reasons for being so tardy and would also like to point out that, while I may not be caught up to date on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blogging…
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 O
Blogging A – Z Challenge “O for a muse of fire…” O is for Talk Like Shakespeare Day April 23rd is Talk Like Shakespeare Day as well as English Language Day. I have always been a big fan of both. I began reading Shakespeare in Junior High. I didn’t try…