Category: Writing
Over the next few days, I am thinking of testing different looks for the blog. I am not looking to modify it a whole lot, but there are a couple of looks I want to try. I will try to keep the interference to a minimum and still continue my…
Welcome New Subscribers
I sure appreciate the new people who’ve taken interest in my site and especially my blog, here. It’s very encouraging to me and to my commitment to keep a streak going. Thanks for that. I know it’s not possible for every entry, but please feel free to leave a comment.…
Lost Archives
I’ve been re-reading some of the stuff I wrote in previous years and got to the parts about my parents’ last visit and my mom’s funeral in 2006 (June 11 -17/06 and 8/26/06) and feeling a little sad. Then I read some of the archives I recently discovered from ’09,…
Watch Out For Old Stuff Coming
I was going through some files on one of my backup drives and found some stuff from ’09. I used to do all my blogging in Microsoft Word and save it, then post it to my current blog at the time. When I set up this website and made this…