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Category: Writing

  • What's An Ode?

    What's An Ode?

    We’re not really talking about when the guy pays you back and says, “Here’s the money I ode you.” That would actually be owed, not ode. Of course if you were paying him to write poetry for you then you might be owed an ode. But that’s o’d news. Nowadays…

  • The Bottle

    The Bottle

    I visited a new blog today, simply named Ellie894, presumably after the author. I haven’t delved into it too deeply, and as with any other link that goes off my site, it seems obvious that I would not have any control, good, bad, or ugly, over their content. That being…

  • Readable Books

    Readable Books

    As I said the other day, the most popular pages on are the pages I made about the order to read Louis L’Amour’s books about the Chantry, Sackett, and Talon families. He is one of the most popular authors around, even though he doesn’t always get mentioned in articles…

  • A Couple of Brief Thoughts on Coffee

    A Couple of Brief Thoughts on Coffee

    Coffee Haiku #1 Aroma strikes noseOh, beautiful scent! Sniff, “Aaahh.”Work your magic now (The Haiku is mine, btw.)

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