Category: Writing

  • Dave Gets What He Deserves – Rewrite-Repost

    Dave Gets What He Deserves – Rewrite-Repost

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22117-688:I had originally posted this last year on September 19, 2019, which would have been Herbdate 21778. I don’t know the original number. That had been a total rewrite of a piece that never saw the light of day but was in the ’09 folder. When I…

  • Curly 1-13-09

    Curly 1-13-09

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22114-685: Originally written and/or posted previously elsewhere on Herbdate: 17875 aka 01/13/2009:Here we have another story I had written and forgot about. It hasn’t seen the light of day since January 2009. 1/13/09: I handed “The Writer’s Book of Matches” to Margaret and asked her to pick…

  • Missing Something – A Blast From The Past

    Missing Something – A Blast From The Past

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22108-679: Originally written and/or posted previously elsewhere on Herbdate: 17879 aka 01/16/2009: Missing Something Today’s prompt is from Herb’s book of real-life experiences: “A wannabe writer with a self-imposed deadline, who usually gets up an hour early just to write, discovers that he is missing an important…

  • Unmarried Marriage Counselors – They’re Everywhere! – An Ode

    Unmarried Marriage Counselors – They’re Everywhere! – An Ode

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22107-678: On Monday the 10th, Bruce over at Weave-A-Web posted a story about a pair of unmarried marriage counselors. Marriage Enrichment Program. He is the blogger that most reminds me of O. Henry if O. Henry had more dark endings than light. Anyway, I read it and…

  • Throw It Back Thursday – On Friday – No Wildebeest Is Good Wildebeest

    Throw It Back Thursday – On Friday – No Wildebeest Is Good Wildebeest

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22106-677 (Dedicated, in part, to Serious Blogger): Many people who have been around this blog for a while or been around my Sunday School classes are familiar with Professor Fritz Von Googleheimer and his use of der science-teriffical messod of obserfation to explain Bible principles. In one…

  • Tag Me Tuesday – Lisa Mae’s Questions

    Tag Me Tuesday – Lisa Mae’s Questions

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22103-674: Lisa Mae over at The Road Back To Life nominated me for an award. The Liebster, I think. Hold on, let me check. Yeah. Normally I would make some snarky remarks about these awards and being nominated but I have a lot of respect for Lisa.…

  • Bonus Post – Rapunzel

    Bonus Post – Rapunzel

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22096-667:Originally written and/or posted previously elsewhere on Herbdate: 17903 aka 02/10/2009: I was over at Beej’s Blisteringly Brilliant Blog (Possibly the most alliteratively named blog on the Internet.)  yesterday and she was talking about how she and an old friend got together for a gossip, er,…

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