Category: My Stories

  • Bonus Post – Rapunzel

    Bonus Post – Rapunzel

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22096-667:Originally written and/or posted previously elsewhere on Herbdate: 17903 aka 02/10/2009: I was over at Beej’s Blisteringly Brilliant Blog (Possibly the most alliteratively named blog on the Internet.)  yesterday and she was talking about how she and an old friend got together for a gossip, er,…

  • Say Again?

    Say Again?

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22089-659: Repeat That Over Again Hello. Hi there. I’m from the Bureau of the Repetitive Redundancies Department. Come to regale you with a tale and tell you a story. Initially from the beginning, we determined the absolute essential necessity to take care of our elderly senior citizens.…

  • Prompted


    “Mooooommmm…Dad’s at it again!” She had always hated this old, broken-down house in this nasty neighborhood, never knowing when a shot from a drive-by shooting might accidentally go through a wall or a window, hurting or killing one of the children. One of her neighbors had dug a bullet out…

  • Throw-It-Back Thursday – Responding to 1871

    Throw-It-Back Thursday – Responding to 1871

    No, not the year, but rather a story that was posted on the award-winning blog, Weave A Web. He has a great blog full of stories, many of which have twisty, O. Henry-esque, endings. That is, if O. Henry had written for the dark side. But he doesn’t always murder…

  • Throw It Back Thursday – Poor Milton

    Throw It Back Thursday – Poor Milton

    Milton Schpilcht was dead. Everyone knew it but nobody liked to think about it. It was a really bad accident that nobody deserved, not even him. But now he was gone. Finished. Kaput. He should have known better than to have had the foolish accident he did. After all, he…

  • Reprint of Herby, Author Extraordinaire and the Magic Typewriter

    Reprint of Herby, Author Extraordinaire and the Magic Typewriter

    I originally wrote and posted this on April 10, 2015 for the Blogging A – Z challenge. I reprint it here virtually untouched. If you wish to waste your time comparing it to the original you can find it here. H is for Heroes I have several writing heroes; maybe…

  • The Bottle

    The Bottle

    I visited a new blog today, simply named Ellie894, presumably after the author. I haven’t delved into it too deeply, and as with any other link that goes off my site, it seems obvious that I would not have any control, good, bad, or ugly, over their content. That being…

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