Category: My Stories
Place Your Fingers On The Home Keys Homeboy
HerbHerb’s blog, Herbdate 22122-693: A re-written piece from Jan 14, 09 Herbdate 17876: He sat staring at the blank screen the way the old-timers had stared at a blank sheet of paper in a typewriter. He couldn’t move. Paralyzed by depression and fear of rejection he minimized the word processing…
Even Steven
HerbHerb’s blog, Herbdate 22119-690: I had written this originally in January of ’09 but I don’t think I ever posted it until December of 2019, before the advent of Covid-19. The character of Steven is loosely based on my personality, but I have never pummeled someone in the grocery store,…
Dave Gets What He Deserves – Rewrite-Repost
HerbHerb’s blog, Herbdate 22117-688:I had originally posted this last year on September 19, 2019, which would have been Herbdate 21778. I don’t know the original number. That had been a total rewrite of a piece that never saw the light of day but was in the ’09 folder. When I…
Curly 1-13-09
HerbHerb’s blog, Herbdate 22114-685: Originally written and/or posted previously elsewhere on Herbdate: 17875 aka 01/13/2009:Here we have another story I had written and forgot about. It hasn’t seen the light of day since January 2009. 1/13/09: I handed “The Writer’s Book of Matches” to Margaret and asked her to pick…