Category: Heinrich

  • The Return Of Heinrich Von Googleheimer On NaBloPoMo Day 3

    The Return Of Heinrich Von Googleheimer On NaBloPoMo Day 3

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23282 – 1167 Here’s the haps: I introduced the shiftless ne’er-do-well stereotypical mad scientist, Heinrich Von Googleheimer, on the Throw It Back Thursday of August 14, 2020, but he hasn’t been seen much since that time. His plot was defeated that time by reporter Gary Goodheart of the…

  • Throw It Back Thursday – On Friday – No Wildebeest Is Good Wildebeest

    Throw It Back Thursday – On Friday – No Wildebeest Is Good Wildebeest

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22106-677 (Dedicated, in part, to Serious Blogger): Many people who have been around this blog for a while or been around my Sunday School classes are familiar with Professor Fritz Von Googleheimer and his use of der science-teriffical messod of obserfation to explain Bible principles. In one…

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