Category: Websites

  • Eleven Questions

    Eleven Questions

    As I mentioned yesterday, Brothers Campfire nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award, which was a really cool honor to me, until I read the rules. One of the rules is “Nominate 11 new blogs.” It was then I started realizing, I haven’t been out blog hopping for a long…

  • A Few Sites I Frequent

    A Few Sites I Frequent

    Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, Foundlings, and Frequenters, Greetings, salutations, and, of course, Hi there! I was over reading at one of my favorite places on the web and wanted to share it with you. This may or may not surprise you and it may even crack you up, but…

  • You Guys Went Missing

    You Guys Went Missing

    Aaarrrggghhhh!!!! I’m sorry. If you were signed up to receive updates I may have accidentally deleted you. I had over 4,500 users and subscribers, mostly spam, which I deleted from the database and I think I deleted a bunch of you, as well. I’m really sorry. I will try to…

  • Repost of 08-25-09

    Repost of 08-25-09

  • Experimenting


    Over the next few days, I am thinking of testing different looks for the blog. I am not looking to modify it a whole lot, but there are a couple of looks I want to try. I will try to keep the interference to a minimum and still continue my…

  • Watch Out For Old Stuff Coming

    I was going through some files on one of my backup drives and found some stuff from ’09. I used to do all my blogging in Microsoft Word and save it, then post it to my current blog at the time. When I set up this website and made this…

  • Note About Subscribing

    To receive a note in your e-mail about when I update, you can subscribe by clicking the link just below my photo and random quote. This will generate a confirmation e-mail back to you within an hour or so.

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