Category: Websites
A New Comment System and a Quiz
I’m trying out a new WP comment system plugin called wpDiscuz. What I am hoping is that it will keep people’s comments from going into spam for no apparent reason. Or worse, as in the case of Bruce, over at Weave A Web never making it here at all. I…
So Far So Meh
As the folks who visit this blog at the blog and not through the WP Reader can attest, I frequently change up the look of the blog. It’s usually for the purpose of my trying to see what it will look like with different backgrounds and how my widgets come…
Experimentation With WordPress And Parthenon Security
I have several readers who still come here to the actual website to read my blog and I know that a couple of them have vision limitations. So, what I’ve decided to try is using the “Classic Editor” plugin to write the posts in a larger font than is provided…
Curmudgeonly Monday – Odds & Ends
I seldom look at the stats for my site. I’ve always just kind of let things fly, but since I’ve met the WP reader I have been thinking a bit differently. It appears that not too many of the readers actually go to the site and read, they just use…