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Category: Websites

  • Reprint a Part

    Hi all.  I just decided to reprint a portion of one of my favorite entries to try and straighten out my pages and dates.  Here it is: It is always hard for me to realize that it does not have to be absolutely perfect.  I can get sidetracked on making…

  • Eureka!!!

    Eureka!!  Woo-Hoo!  I done it!  I moved the tagboard to the bottom.  No…but I have been trying to modify my website to do more of what I really want it to do and you (should be) looking at the results.  I am working with a new (to me.  I guess…

  • Customer Service

    Now here is a lesson in customer service and positive PR that some websites would do well to learn from.  In my last entry I mentioned, sort of “en passant,” that Carter and I had started our website, the long-awaited, much-anticipated “Republic of Bob” on a website called  I referred to my disdain…

  • Title Goes Up Here

    So, I was at my favorite trivia site, and found this little tidbit: “.18 percent of blog posts indexed by Google blog search begin with the word “so”.” So I’m sorry, I just don’t have time to do much writing of any sort, even though I have been so graciously “Phaved” by J…

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