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Category: Uncategorized

  • An Update On Daughter

    An Update On Daughter

    Not a whole lot to update everybody on. We had made a place in the living room which Margaret had sectioned off with tote to give our daughter some sort of modicum of privacy and that was okay. I hesitated to suggest it, but Grandma Pike’s room would have the…

  • Technical Difficulties

    Technical Difficulties

    Sorry, but I ran into some problems trying to get the post I had planned to work. I wasn’t able to really focus my whole energy on it because I was too busy getting drooled on by a happy, wide-awake 7 month old, as Lisa over at Grief to Beautiful…

  • Waiting Rooms

    Waiting rooms can be some of the most tiresome places in the world. But, when you have someone in the ICU, this is the place you have to hang out.

  • Nothing Tonight

    Sorry, the time has slipped away, what with running back and forth to and from the hospital and everything else, I just have run out of time and energy to post anything in my blog tonight. Sorry. No entry tonight.

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