Category: Uncategorized
NaBloPoMo Day 16 – From the Phone
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22565 – 878 Here’s the haps: I’m sitting at the table writing to you on my phone because the computer is in use by College Daughter who is writing a paper on communication. It’s a big part of her grade and has a couple of special personal challenges…
My Internet is Down
No Herbdate Here’s the haps: My Internet has been down off and on all day so some of the interesting conversations I have been having with you all are interrupted. Is this a First World problem or what?
A Little About My New Schedule
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22150 – 722: Thanks to the scheduling feature in WordPress I am able to set this to go at about the time I have been posting. During my training period my posts may be short, like this one or I may wind up missing one or two.…
Oy Vey Ist Meir
Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22091-661: 2 minutes until deadline time so I will make a long story short and elaborate tomorrow. Had to take Mrs. Herb to the hospital – NOT Covid. Spent all day there. Came home. Dog got sprayed by a skunk. More tomorrow.