Category: Uncategorized
Cocaine‽‽‽ Curmudgeonly Monday – Secret Service Says…
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23186 – 1147 Here’s the Haps: I have not been doing a lot of politics lately, it’s just a weariness of mind to me. The Left is still mindlessly marching in lockstep and the media regurgitates their talking points. The Left is strong because they won’t break ranks…
Where Is Herb?
Hi gang, I will be offline for a few days. Mrs. Herb and I have an opportunity to celebrate our 43rd wedding anniversary. The gift this year is travel and I will be back in a few days to check comments and visit blogs.
I forgot but every time I get vaxxed I have the symptoms of the thing as well. Sorry, folks, no post tonight. Feeling icky.
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: G is for Good Grief! Out Of Time, Again
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22706 – 957 Here’s the haps: I really apologize but I have a new schedule at work for Fridays and I am almost out of time. I’m also not on my regular computer which is kind of a problem. I’ll be back tomorrow, though. Thanks for your patience…