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Category: Sunday School

  • Swimming The Rio Grande

    Tevye: Where are you going? Lazar Wolf: Chicago. In America. Tevye: Chicago, America? We are going to New York, America. We’ll be neighbors. Dear Respected Habitué, Beloved Cronies, little trolls, Regarded Rivals, Clever Clansmen and Super-Duper Supporters, and Everyone Else, I hope this blog post reaches you in the best of…

  • My Lesson On Moses and the Burning Bush or God, the Master Salesman

    Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, Followers and Foundlings, I am attempting to use my phone to write this to you! This is a big difference to me and I hope I can make it work.  Some of it on the phone, some on the laptop and some on the desktop.…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 F and reprint of “A Walmart Bag Of Stuff”

    Blogging A – Z Challenge F is for Father (Also a reprint of “A Walmart Bag Of Stuff”) Father.  Yet another reason for me to blog every day.  I think this post will catch me up to where I am supposed to be in the A – Z Challenge.  Father. …

  • I Really Am Sorry But That’s No Excuse

    I am really sorry I haven’t been around for a while. I have been “sleeping in” until 4 or even 4:30 and so have barely even gotten to my e-mail. It is hard to write updates when the house is full of people. The laptop is officially dead and while…

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