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Category: Sunday School

  • Zoomy Children’s Church

    Zoomy Children’s Church

    Before I get started I would like to say Happy Birthday to my son, Benjamin, the storyteller over at Brother’s Campfire. Go visit him and tell him Happy Birthday! And no, Zoomy Children’s church doesn’t mean Air Force children’s church, I was just referring to the meeting program called Zoom.…

  • Good Tradition

    And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy…

  • Zero Year

    Zero Year

    This new year of 2020 is filled with numbers ending in zero for me and my family. Several significant personal events are coming up this year. Twenty years ago I survived the awful calamity of the infamous “Y2K Bug.” This year on February 18, Grandma Pike turns ninety years old.…

  • The Wise Man Built His House On The Duplos

    The Wise Man Built His House On The Duplos

    When you are teaching Sunday School to ten, eleven, and twelve-year-olds one of the problems that you run into is that they either know everything or know nothing, often both. When you have a very familiar story then sometimes you want to find a different angle to come at it…

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