Category: Sunday School
Daughter’s Health Update
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22242 – 771: Here’s the haps: I have a couple of regular posts in the drafts folder but before I start those I thought that since so many of you had expressed compassion and concern for my daughter and sent up prayers and good thoughts and well-wishes…
After 32 Years I Thought I’d Heard Everything – Nope
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22193 – 756: Most dear and beloved fans, friends, fiends, foes, and peeps, Here’s the haps: We have started back to having Sunday School in a limited fashion. We don’t run the buses and the kids can only sit two to a pew, one on each end…
Sunday School Is Cool
Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22087-657: I started this post in February before the lockdown was in full swing after I was told about a church that made the decision to only have one service and not do Sunday School anymore. I’m not a pastor or preacher or anyone in authority and…
The Phone Call
Yesterday I felt humbled and a little awed by a phone call I received. Readers who have been with me for a while now will have noticed that the subject of Sunday School comes up from time to time. I love teaching and I love reading the stories and imagining…