Category: Reviews
Customer Service
Now here is a lesson in customer service and positive PR that some websites would do well to learn from. In my last entry I mentioned, sort of “en passant,” that Carter and I had started our website, the long-awaited, much-anticipated “Republic of Bob” on a website called I referred to my disdain…
Title Goes Up Here
So, I was at my favorite trivia site, and found this little tidbit: “.18 percent of blog posts indexed by Google blog search begin with the word “so”.” So I’m sorry, I just don’t have time to do much writing of any sort, even though I have been so graciously “Phaved” by J…
A New Sandwich
*Runs in at full tilt, Guido Jr chasing him with a fine Italian Salame. Panting.* Okay. Okay. Guido Jr. has convinced me to update. I told him I didn’t want to. I was feeling sorry for myself because I only had 8 people comment on my little de-lurking experiment. I suppose Sam is right and that…
Happy Birthday E. A. Poe
I’d been thinking about a lot of different things to write about and then I heard it was Edgar Alan Poe’s(1809 – 1849) 197th birthday today (1/19/06). I am a big fan of Poe. A lot of people only know what they were forced to read in High School English class. They think that…