Category: Louis L’Amour
An Old Addiction Is Back!
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23662 – 1227 Howdy Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, and Everybody Else! Here’s the haps: Some of you may know that I have suffered for years from an addiction. Sometimes I kind of forget about it and I think I’m done with it but then it comes back. What…
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021: Q Is For Quotations
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22355 – 819: Here’s the haps: Many of you read this blog on the WordPress reader and never visit the actual blog itself. That’s cool, but I have a couple of things on the main page of the blog that I am proud of and/or really like. One…
Readable Books
As I said the other day, the most popular pages on are the pages I made about the order to read Louis L’Amour’s books about the Chantry, Sackett, and Talon families. He is one of the most popular authors around, even though he doesn’t always get mentioned in articles…
Popular Stuff Here
Even though I have written about a wide variety of controversial and potentially controversial subjects, the posts that elicit more comments than any others are the ones about Louis L’Amour and the ones about coffee. This kind of cracks me up because I don’t really know a lot about coffee.…