Category: Ravings

  • Rides

    Well, Father’s Day was nice. Everyone wishes you well and you are king for a day. The Wayward one called me and told me she still loves me, so that was nice. You know, you love your kids but it is ever an amazement to me how DIFFERENT they all…

  • No Irish Need Apply

    Well, happy Saint Patrick’s Day to you. On my mother’s side there is a lot o’ Irish as on my father’s side is mostly German. Having been born in this country I am an American. When the Irish side of my family came over here because they were starving in…

  • More Assorted Stuff

    14 and ½ inches long! Margaret got to go up to see her and said she actually had some meat on her legs. This was exciting. It would have been more exciting if I had seen her myself, but no, I have to have this croupy, cruddy, cough thing going…

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