Category: Ravings

  • Understanding Egyptians

    Well, I hope I haven’t misled you with my title.  This is not about peace treaties or terrorism or anything of the sort.  No, this is how I have come to understand why Egyptians worshipped the cat. Yes, that’s right, I have been converted.  Well, I guess converted is the…

  • National Hero Week or Nurse’s Week May 6 thru May 12

    Florence Nightengale  May 12, 1820 – August 13, 1910 When Florence was 24 years old, she had a “calling” from God. She wrote in her journal, “God spoke to me and called me to His service.” Florence decided her calling was to help the sick and the poor by becoming a nurse. You can read more about Florence…

  • Happy Birthday E. A. Poe

    I’d been thinking about a lot of different things to write about and then I heard it was Edgar Alan Poe’s(1809 – 1849) 197th birthday today (1/19/06).  I am a big fan of Poe.  A lot of people only know what they were forced to read in High School English class.  They think that…

  • Christmas pt 1

    Well, first of all, I have to say that I am a little disappointed in the response to the Red Kettle group. No donations and no one joining. I guess I’ll e-mail each one individually and remind you again about it. I would love to see some of the higher-traffic…

  • Red Kettle Workers

    As I exited King Soopers the other day I overheard a disparaging complaint about the Salvation Army bell-ringer that was standing there. You know, folks, there is no need to be rude to people. If you don’t want to give anything, then just walk on by and keep your ignorant…

  • More On Crackers

    Some people who read my entry about the crackers that came in the 4-per-sheet packages also recalled them, so I looked it up. I finally wound up having the following correspondence with Nabisco. If they pioneered this then it seems logical that when I was a little boy some brands…

  • Miscellany

    This morning I heard about yet another example of Hollyweird/Mad Ave types ruining our society’s values. There was in the news an allegation of yet another celebrity under investigation. This time, according to the radio, Kate Moss, who is apparently a supermodel, was photographed snorting cocaine. The pictures ran in…

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