Category: Ravings

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 K

    Blogging A – Z Challenge K is for Kudos Kudos is what all of you fine readers out there deserve.  When I went to look it up at a couple of dictionary spots I found that it means, “honor; glory; acclaim: praise or respect that you get because of something…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 G

    Blogging A – Z Challenge G is for Git grit for your characters No, my dear readers from the Southland, not grits, grit.  Grit, as in “Indomitable spirit, firmness of character, or (my personal favorite) pluck.”  Courage in the face of adversity.  Resolution. Of course many think of the word…

  • A Walmart Bag Of Stuff

    Before I say anything else I just want to thank all of you, my friends, for your kind words, prayers, e-mails, comments and nice thoughts my way.  I appreciate it.  It is an interesting community that comes here and while some of you I know and have met, some of…

  • Setting Up DSL

    Setting Up DSL Or Things that will make you say, “Aaaaaarrrrggghhh!” Salutations on the Ides of June! First of all, I have to say that my ISP, has got the greatest service I have ever experienced.  Like most call centers, I waited for what seemed like ever, on hold;…

  • T Roosevelt Quote

    There is an e-mail circulating with a quote about immigration from Theodore Roosevelt. It is only partial and after some homework I found a couple of interesting quotes: “In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and…

  • Customer Service

    Now here is a lesson in customer service and positive PR that some websites would do well to learn from.  In my last entry I mentioned, sort of “en passant,” that Carter and I had started our website, the long-awaited, much-anticipated “Republic of Bob” on a website called  I referred to my disdain…

  • Stem Cell Issue

    Hollyweird has been unusually quiet this election.  Maybe someone told them to shut their traps, or as Laura Ingraham says in the title of her book, “Shut up and sing.”  There has been a noticeable flap between Michael J Fox and Rush Limbaugh which has interested me because I heard…

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