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Category: Ravings

  • More On Crackers

    Some people who read my entry about the crackers that came in the 4-per-sheet packages also recalled them, so I looked it up. I finally wound up having the following correspondence with Nabisco. If they pioneered this then it seems logical that when I was a little boy some brands…

  • Miscellany

    This morning I heard about yet another example of Hollyweird/Mad Ave types ruining our society’s values. There was in the news an allegation of yet another celebrity under investigation. This time, according to the radio, Kate Moss, who is apparently a supermodel, was photographed snorting cocaine. The pictures ran in…

  • Rides

    Well, Father’s Day was nice. Everyone wishes you well and you are king for a day. The Wayward one called me and told me she still loves me, so that was nice. You know, you love your kids but it is ever an amazement to me how DIFFERENT they all…

  • No Irish Need Apply

    Well, happy Saint Patrick’s Day to you. On my mother’s side there is a lot o’ Irish as on my father’s side is mostly German. Having been born in this country I am an American. When the Irish side of my family came over here because they were starving in…

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