Category: Rantings

  • This and That

    Ben and Isabel were here and Savannah has a new doctor. He was (maybe still is) the partner of the one we had for all of our kids. He went up there and started talking to the nurses. “Why is this baby still here?” “She has been de-statting and her…

  • Which Books Should Be Banned?

    I just finished re-reading Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury for the unknownth time again. I like Bradbury. If you have never read any of his stuff, pick it up. He has many great books; Dandelion Wine is a magical book, The Martial Chronicles, The Golden Apples of the Sun, The…

  • Baby Hogs And Other Critters

    4 lbs 9 oz. We went up and held her today. I should probably say I held her since I was hogging her for most of the time. I couldn’t help it. She’s so little and holdable and I was wearing my flannel shirt which she snuggled right into and…

  • More Grumblings

    3 lbs 7 oz! They did an official weight on Sunday and that was it! *Takes cowboy hat in hand and waves it in the air shouting “yee-haw!”* They also tried to bottle-feed her for the first time yesterday also. Isabel and Ben said she tried a couple of times,…

  • More Assorted Stuff

    14 and ½ inches long! Margaret got to go up to see her and said she actually had some meat on her legs. This was exciting. It would have been more exciting if I had seen her myself, but no, I have to have this croupy, cruddy, cough thing going…

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