Category: Rantings

  • More Alien News

    Now, I do not know what newspapers you have in your town or area, Here we have 3, 4 if you count The Independent, the free liberal paper (the Denver liberal paper you have to pay for.) but I have discovered a journalistic source of news that is definitely “The…


    Well, the topic I have chosen should probably intimidate me since I know that there are scientists, biologists and people who study the brain, among my audience. I don’t feel that way, however. I count them among my friends and know that if I am way off base they will…

  • Dan

    I was at Nicole’s Blog this morning and noticed a comment in the tag-board that someone had left which made me wonder at how easy computers are nowadays to use. It used to be that you had to have some intelligence to operate a computer, but nowadays any Neanderthal…

  • Freedom of Speech on the WWW

    First, weight updates. Savannah now weighs 7 lbs 3 oz and I have lost 7 lbs. I am down to the weight I had started out at the last time I did this, which is 235. So, 7 lbs in approximately 4 weeks isn’t too bad. Margaret pointed out that…

  • A Ramble About Hollyweird

    New pix everybody! I have some that are not developed but these are some that Isabel took including the dress she came home in and different family members holding her. The B&W one has moved down the list to 2nd after seeing the smiling baby one. Just go to…

  • I Was Attacked By Malware

    I had intended on writing an entry a couple of days ago, observing the fact that I only seem to write every 2 or 3 days. Well, in the meantime my daughter went searching for the lyrics to a song by a Christian singer named Staci Orrico (sp?) and the…

  • I’m Not Sorry

    I wasn’t going to post an entry until later and normally I don’t just post an entry without trying to proof it, etc. as you all know but as I was blog-surfing this A.M. I came across something that just made my American blood boil and wanted to say my…

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