Category: Rantings

  • The Wedding pt II

    Okay, we have a new and improved, highly superior computer system now!! Woo-hoo! The only thing the thing it cannot do is make more time for everything that needs to be done. There is still homework to help with (One day soon, probably after Open House, I will write a…

  • DMV

    Haven’t found any pictures yet, but we had such a bad hailstorm yesterday, the first day of summer and the end of Springtime in the Rockies, they had to call the snowplows out. This is not a joke like Abby Normal did on her kids, ( ) either. I…

  • Thrift Stores

    Happy Father’s Day to everyone! I hope every dad gets exactly what he wants today and not exactly what he deserves. You dads know what I mean. Similar to Carter’s favored sport of Dumpster Diving is my favored sport, Thrift Store shopping. I was at the ARC store on the…

  • Perfume

    Unless you are a fan of the Doctor Demento Show you have probably never heard a song that says, “Rental cars are really great/driving over speed bumps at a hundred and eight…/you can crash it/you can smash it/’cause it’s only a rental car.” We had to rent a car since…

  • Untitled Writing Post

    So, if you sit down at your typewriter (I use the term colloquially, of course and in agreement with Kelly that typewriters are of the devil) and don’t have any ideas, then what? What can you do? I like to put out something that is interesting and fun to read…

  • Star Wars – Walmart – Adults

    I just finished reading Star Wars: the Revenge of the Sith. This is the novelization of the movie. I didn’t buy it and I’m glad, because it wouldn’t be worth the hardback price for it. Oh, stop, I didn’t steal it either. I was listening to a guy on the…

  • The New Porn

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