Category: Rantings

  • Christmas pt 1

    Well, first of all, I have to say that I am a little disappointed in the response to the Red Kettle group. No donations and no one joining. I guess I’ll e-mail each one individually and remind you again about it. I would love to see some of the higher-traffic…

  • Red Kettle Workers

    As I exited King Soopers the other day I overheard a disparaging complaint about the Salvation Army bell-ringer that was standing there. You know, folks, there is no need to be rude to people. If you don’t want to give anything, then just walk on by and keep your ignorant…

  • Givethanksing Day

    The problem with pet peeves is that they are so hard to take care of. You think they’re under control and not going to cause any more trouble; you’ve stroked them and talked soothingly to them and explained things to them, but they wind up being as ornery as Carter’s…

  • Tipping

    Greetings, Blogging Cronies, Bloghoppers and Blogophiles! Okay, I’m back, I think. Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers. It really makes a difference, let me tell you. While I was off I did a lot of reading and one of the things I read about was tipping. No,…

  • Margaret’s In The Hospital

    Margaret has been sick this past week and working overtime. She started being really sick Saturday night. She was so nauseous that she couldn’t eat or drink anything and by Sunday afternoon we thought she might be getting dehydrated, so off to the E.R. we went. Well, after the I.V.…

  • Dead Drunk

    “Oh we’ll smash the saloon when we’re men, We’ll hit it again and again, We shall tear it down, Down unto the ground, Oh, we’ll smash the saloon when we’re men…” “We’ll Smash the Saloon”…From a Sunday School songbook ca. 1900 called “Songs for Little Singers.” “Wine is a mocker,…

  • Miscellany

    This morning I heard about yet another example of Hollyweird/Mad Ave types ruining our society’s values. There was in the news an allegation of yet another celebrity under investigation. This time, according to the radio, Kate Moss, who is apparently a supermodel, was photographed snorting cocaine. The pictures ran in…

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