Category: Rantings
Curmudgeonly Monday – Over Sixty? Stay Home!
I guess maybe I am more sensitive to this than I should be, but since I have only been over sixty for a little over a month, I feel more vulnerable to discrimination than some who have had time to get used to it. As I mentioned a few months…
More Grocery Store Pics
I’ve been trying not to post more than once a day because of my commitment to putting something up here every day. If I can write a few really good ones once in a while and fill every other day with something less than spectacular, then I feel like I’m…
Some Shelves Are Empty and A Link To A Good Post
Actually, I should more correctly say, a link to another good post. I like the Erratic Engineeress’ blog and I like her no-nonsense, common-sense approach to the Corona Virus concern. She’s written another post that has many links to actual scientific data. It’s called UNDERSTANDING COVID-19: RELEVANT LITERATURE. I have…
“Scientists” – Curmudgeonly Monday
I have been writing vignettes, articles, opinion pieces, poetry, and whatnot since before I ever had a typewriter, word processor, or computer. The advantage of the computer is that, if you are a pack-rat like me, you save all kinds of things. The original title of this piece was “Scientists”…