Category: Rantings

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 C

    Blogging A – Z Challenge C is for Choking Babies Running out of time today but I did find this very important info about how to help an infant.  Very clever, too.

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 B

    Blogging A – Z Challenge B is for Beliefs Here is a brief statement about beliefs.  There are those who have preached for years and years that we must be tolerant of all people.  I can dig that, I mean, there are a lot of people that I don’t agree with,…

  • Counting Change (Originally Titled “Changed”)

    This is originally from July of 2006, but still fits. I was going to re-write a couple of the more convoluted sentences, but instead left it as is. Originally titled “Changed” I thought I would use its working title: Counting Change – original post 7/1/06 I had started this entry…

  • Hang Up And Drive

    Okay, so I learned it was rude to type in ALL CAPS back when we learned how to type on a typewriter.  It is considered the same as shouting.  Using red ink in letter writing was at one time the most insulting breach of etiquette.  I have known this and…

  • Error

    Beware the Ides of June! Or Aaaaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I knew something was wrong before I even got Daveman’s ominous message, “herb – i cant comment on yer blog entry. i thought maybe it had to be approved, but it never showed, so i assume it just never made it. pops had…

  • Job Hunting Stinks

    A teenage boy and girl at my daughter’s school had an idea.  They decided that they wanted to set a new record.  They would be famous.  They would kill 33 or more people at a pep rally and beat the Virginia tech guy.  They had plans for pipe bombs, notes,…

  • Job Hunting And Other Stuff

    A break to say, “Grrr” The pompous and self-righteous, whether they be individuals or companies, any the tar out of me.  Later today I have an interview with a company that is very interested in my credentials Rcvd form e-mail from ****, main gist:  “We regret to inform you that…

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