Category: Rantings
Let The One Who Answereth The Phone Beware – Don’t Get Scammed
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23608 – 1220 (NB: If you’re not reading this on or on the WordPress Reader from that site, you’re reading an unauthorized copy.) Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, Foundlings, First-Time-Visitors, and Frogs, Here’s the haps: First of all, I don’t hate any people but as I get…
Wrapping My Brain Around Some Things
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23211 – 1150 My Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, and Frothers, I apologize a lot on this blog. I believe people stop by here to see what I have written and when I haven’t, I feel guilty. At one point I was going to quit apologizing but then…
Lovin’ It In Loveland
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23133 – 1135 Here’s the haps: Down the road from Estes Park is a town called Loveland. It has a cool name and is a great place to have Valentine’s Day cards postmarked from. Places in other towns offer services to drive your piece of mail up there…
Curmudgeonly Monday – A Rant About A Few Ways Youtube Annoys Me
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23062 – 1088 Here’s the haps: Okay, so this is not an exhaustive or comprehensive list. There are a number of things that I have left off either purposely or because I have a short memory. But since my calendar said that today is Curmudgeonly Monday (I know…