Category: Putzing
I originally posted this on one of the earlier incarnations of this blog on 06/23/09. I didn’t re-post it on that date here because I have rewritten a few lines of it. It was, in fact, called, “Duck.” When we lived at the old house I used to have to…
Trying Microsoft Edge
There are three tech sites that I receive newsletters from that I actually look at. You know, sometimes you sign up for just junk mail, well these sites are extremely helpful and if I have computer issues I check them first. They are all very competent with broad databases and…
Some Things I Like
Back in the olden days of blogging, many of the blogs I would visit (many are not blogging anymore, but they used to) would have events like Silver Lining Saturday or Thankful Thursday and I really enjoyed that. I think I may take one of those up on a regular…
Over the next few days, I am thinking of testing different looks for the blog. I am not looking to modify it a whole lot, but there are a couple of looks I want to try. I will try to keep the interference to a minimum and still continue my…