Category: Putzing
A Gate Of A Fence or Offense
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22143 – 715: A couple days ago I posted the meme about a fence and right after that, we had a real incident about a fence. Our neighborhood is at the top of a hill and ours was one of the first houses built back in 1959…
Curmudgeonly Monday – WordPress Reader Comments
Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22095-665: Quite some time ago it was brought to my attention that people said they liked my blog but were having difficulty commenting using the WordPress Reader. I loosened up a bunch of settings and thought I had fixed to problem. Nobody said any more about it.…
Arrgghh – Plumbing
I had a post prepared, I thought, but as I went through and re-read it, there were several points I wanted to make clearer. While I was pondering on how to do the rewrite my wife said, “I think the floor looks like it’s getting warped from water.”“I don’t see…
Deadline: June 2022
Well, you learn something new everyday, doncha? Yesterday I found out that if you have a Chromebook it has an end-of-life date. John over at left me a comment about it so I had to look it up. It was so inexpensive at the time (I don’t remember the…