Category: Putzing

  • Trying Microsoft Edge

    Trying Microsoft Edge

    There are three tech sites that I receive newsletters from that I actually look at. You know, sometimes you sign up for just junk mail, well these sites are extremely helpful and if I have computer issues I check them first. They are all very competent with broad databases and…

  • Some Things I Like

    Some Things I Like

    Back in the olden days of blogging, many of the blogs I would visit (many are not blogging anymore, but they used to) would have events like Silver Lining Saturday or Thankful Thursday and I really enjoyed that. I think I may take one of those up on a regular…

  • Experimenting


    Over the next few days, I am thinking of testing different looks for the blog. I am not looking to modify it a whole lot, but there are a couple of looks I want to try. I will try to keep the interference to a minimum and still continue my…

  • Watch Out For Old Stuff Coming

    I was going through some files on one of my backup drives and found some stuff from ’09. I used to do all my blogging in Microsoft Word and save it, then post it to my current blog at the time. When I set up this website and made this…

  • Why I Put Fair Blows the Wind at Number Three

    Dear Louis L’Amour Fans, I had changed my chronology of the first three books to put Fair Blows the Wind back as the first book to read in the series after I had received an e-mail pointing out that Louis himself had stated that the hulk of the ship that…

  • waiting

    Sitting at work, testing the blog from my phone. Voice recognition appears to work. Much potential with this?

  • Before I Anounce My New Blog

    Okay, before I announce to the world this new site, I am going to undertake the task of trying to get all of my stuff on here and dated properly.  The temptation that is hard to resist is to fix each piece rather than leave it as I wrote it…

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