Category: Putzing

  • Blogging Is As Easy As Falling Off A Ladder

    Blogging Is As Easy As Falling Off A Ladder

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22587 – 900 Here’s the haps: First, F.Y.I. there are a couple of updates about my daughter-in-law’s status from my son over at Brother’s Campfire. There is still a long row to hoe but the last couple of posts were encouraging. Yesterday I mentioned having an idea while…

  • Herb’s History With Computers – Putzing Can Be Fun

    Herb’s History With Computers – Putzing Can Be Fun

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22513 – 858 Here’s the haps: As I was working on the recovery of my wife’s data I learned quite a bit, by which I mean I learned just enough to be dangerous. There is always something new to learn with computers as well as many other things…

  • Where Ya At, Herb?

    Where Ya At, Herb?

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22487 – 857: Here’s the haps: Hi Folks, Sorry for the delay in posts. I have been on the computer but it’s been actual work. My wife has an external hard drive with almost 3tb (terabytes, not tablespoons) of data including many unique and original graphic collections. This…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021:  V Is For The Villanelle Of The Villainous Villain L

    Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021: V Is For The Villanelle Of The Villainous Villain L

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22361 – 825: Here’s the haps: My dear fans, friends, fiends, foes, foundlings, frolicking freaks, and other nice assorted people, I went looking back to find the post where I tried my hand at writing a poem in the villanelle form. Some of you have been with me…

  • Dear Radio Station Producer Playing Round-The-Clock Christmas Music

    Dear Radio Station Producer Playing Round-The-Clock Christmas Music

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22221 – 767: Here’s the haps: Many of you know that I have loved radio all my life. In fact, if life had taken a couple of different turns I would possibly have had a career in it, but that was a long time ago. As a…

  • A Gate Of A Fence or Offense

    A Gate Of A Fence or Offense

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22143 – 715: A couple days ago I posted the meme about a fence and right after that, we had a real incident about a fence. Our neighborhood is at the top of a hill and ours was one of the first houses built back in 1959…

  • Curmudgeonly Monday – WordPress Reader Comments

    Curmudgeonly Monday – WordPress Reader Comments

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22095-665: Quite some time ago it was brought to my attention that people said they liked my blog but were having difficulty commenting using the WordPress Reader. I loosened up a bunch of settings and thought I had fixed to problem. Nobody said any more about it.…

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