Category: Politics

  • I’m Not Sorry

    I wasn’t going to post an entry until later and normally I don’t just post an entry without trying to proof it, etc. as you all know but as I was blog-surfing this A.M. I came across something that just made my American blood boil and wanted to say my…

  • Which Books Should Be Banned?

    I just finished re-reading Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury for the unknownth time again. I like Bradbury. If you have never read any of his stuff, pick it up. He has many great books; Dandelion Wine is a magical book, The Martial Chronicles, The Golden Apples of the Sun, The…

  • Hodge Podge

    The pix are up of Margaret and I holding baby Savannah. You can see where she is touching the snap on my western shirt. It won’t be long and we’ll be able to put a little pair of boots on her and a little hat…yeehaw! She looks more and…

  • 1984 A Book Review Of Sorts

    Every hair on the back of my neck stood on end all the way to the top of my head. I was totally creeped out. What could do that? Well, folks, I forced myself to re-read George Orwell’s “1984” again. I am not a fan of Orwell and had not…

  • Happy New Year

    Welcome to the New Year! Where are the jet packs and the flying cars and stuff? Ah well. I want to tell you all that there are still nice people in the world. I was looking up Savannah Melodies on the web and came across a very nice website that…

  • Job Hunting

    Since so many people I know are looking for work and some for their first real job, I have decided to put down a few of the rules that I have used in the past to get a job. Modify them to fit your situation and I guarantee you will…

  • Thanksgiving

    Today is Thanksgiving day. This is a day that was set aside by the earliest settlers here to give thanks to God. It was later proclaimed by President Washington to be a national day to give thanks to God on 10/03/1789. President Lincoln proclaimed it a national holiday on the…

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