Category: Politics
The Slave-Free Business Certification Act (S. 4241)
Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22086-656: As many of you are aware by now, I follow a really misnamed blog called the Dumbest Blog Ever by dumbestblogger. Yesterday he posted something that really got me to thinking. I was really proud of him for standing up to a boss who was a…
So Just Change It Already
A few caveats out of the way up front so later I am not constantly qualifying everything I say. I am an American and when I use the term “football” I don’t mean soccer, I mean American football. I am not a fanatic (which is where the word “fan” comes…
A Bunch Of Loonies
As Rocky used to say after Bullwinkle would pull something ridiculous out of his hat, “Now here’s something we hope you’ll really like.” Actually, I love puns, especially when I can embellish them and own them. It makes me happy to write a pun. Back in March of 2006, on…
Lawlessness Is Lawlessness
While I am working on a totally unrelated post I wanted to stop and interject something here. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment: (EXODUS 23:2) KJV It is never right to destroy someone…