Category: Politics

  • So Just Change It Already

    So Just Change It Already

    A few caveats out of the way up front so later I am not constantly qualifying everything I say. I am an American and when I use the term “football” I don’t mean soccer, I mean American football. I am not a fanatic (which is where the word “fan” comes…

  • A Bunch Of Loonies

    A Bunch Of Loonies

    As Rocky used to say after Bullwinkle would pull something ridiculous out of his hat, “Now here’s something we hope you’ll really like.” Actually, I love puns, especially when I can embellish them and own them. It makes me happy to write a pun. Back in March of 2006, on…

  • Lawlessness Is Lawlessness

    Lawlessness Is Lawlessness

    While I am working on a totally unrelated post I wanted to stop and interject something here. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment: (EXODUS 23:2) KJV It is never right to destroy someone…

  • Curmudgeonly Monday – Cognitive Dissonance

    Curmudgeonly Monday – Cognitive Dissonance

    Cognitive dissonance is very grumpificating to me. It means my brain muscles are being forced to turn the gears and I may have to admit that I have more thinking to do about something. This happened to me tonight. Before I explain that, I want to say that I have…

  • Ain’t Throwin’ It Back Thursday – NO 𝖨̶𝗋̶𝗂̶𝗌̶𝗁̶ Christians Need Apply

    Ain’t Throwin’ It Back Thursday – NO 𝖨̶𝗋̶𝗂̶𝗌̶𝗁̶ Christians Need Apply

    Name-calling is usually associated with bullying and other aggressive or passive-aggressive behaviors. It is a bad way to win or even lose an argument. “I’m sorry, but 2 + 2 = 4” “Well, you’re a stinky head!” “Look. You have 2 beans here. I put 2 beans with them, how…

  • What A Man Of Conviction Can Do

    What A Man Of Conviction Can Do

    Once upon a time, there was an evil empire in the world called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. One of the reasons they were evil was that they were Communist and not a real republic at all. They ruled their people with an iron fist and kept them trapped…

  • VOTE


    Voting day. If you are in Colorado, please vote against Prop CC which destroys our Taxpayer Bill Of Rights. Hold the government accountable to the people. Thanks.

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