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Category: Politics

  • Remember! Remember! Remember!

    This is a reprint from one I found a couple of years ago that I think is even more relevant now. I found this floating around a couple of places and do not know who the author is. I wish I had written it, but I didn’t. If it belongs…

  • Update As Of 7-19-06

    Not much time to update since the laptop went belly-up but here are a couple of things, “hot off the wire.” Mom was in the hospital last couple of days, didn’t sound very good at all, but they pulled her through. My brothers, who live there in Shawano area, had…

  • Flag Burning Amendment

    I have said before that Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 is probably one of the most important books a person can and should read. While Orwell’s 1984 may be more accurate I think Bradbury leaves us with a true glimmer of hope, which Orwell does not. Both books should be read…

  • Gay Marriage 3

    Whether to adress the comments I have received in the comments section or as another entry was difficult. Apparently blogging is like everything else in life, people hear what they want to hear and read what they want to read. The comments on part II indicate a lack of understanding…

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