Category: Pets & Animals
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021: N Is For Neighbors Nibbling
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22351 – 816: Here’s the haps: You may recall, especially if you’ve been around here long enough, that for being a suburb we have a lot of wildlife in our area. We have been visited in our neighborhood (either on our property or on our street within a…
One Drug Lord Changed His Whole Country Forever And Where IS Rowdy Yates When You Need Him?
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22259 – 779: Here’s the haps: “One hippopotamiCannot get on a busBecause one hippopotamiIs two hippopotamus” Allan Sherman I thought I would do something serious for a change and talk about a real issue that a lot of people don’t know exists, Columbian Hippopotami. My daughter has…
An Open Letter To Pets
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22180 – 750: Found this in the old e-mail archives and thought I’d share it with you. I could find no accreditation. <><><><> Dear Dog and/or Cat, When I say to move, it means go someplace else, not switch positions with each other so there are still…
My Rant About Your “Beloved Pet” – Buy A Leash Or Kill Your Pet
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22137 – 708: (Warning: This post is too gross for some of you and you probably should not even read it and learn its very important lesson.) If you are approaching me on a trail and pull out a bow and arrows and just start randomly shooting…