Category: Pets & Animals

  • Cows


    After reading about Beetleypete’s thoughts about walking his dog through a field of cows it brought my mind back to growing up in America’s Dairyland. We have them here in Colorado, too. They can be dangerous but a lot of times they are merely being curious which can be just…

  • Another Answer To “Which Critter”‽‽‽

    Another Answer To “Which Critter”‽‽‽

    I received an email and a comment from Brothers Campfire regarding the test he took about which mythical creature he was. He was a dragon. So, today, I decided to take the same quiz. “This will be interesting,” thought I, “I wonder if I will be a Sasquatch or an…

  • Becoming Unbearable

    Becoming Unbearable

    The first couple of times it was really kind of cool. We have a bear that lives somewhere in the neighborhood. Getting to see a bear in town, well, the suburbs, actually, but still, getting to see a bear was a thrilling treat. A sow and her cubs or a…

  • Jeptha Berengar

    I’ve started following a sort of vlog thingy on Youtube by a person called Jeptha Berengar. Is it possible to be both esoteric and eclectic at the same time? Most are 1 or 2 minutes long, with the longest so far being around 5 minutes. Search Youtube for the name.…

  • Understanding Egyptians

    Well, I hope I haven’t misled you with my title.  This is not about peace treaties or terrorism or anything of the sort.  No, this is how I have come to understand why Egyptians worshipped the cat. Yes, that’s right, I have been converted.  Well, I guess converted is the…

  • Recent Updates

    I really like having people come here and visit, it seems a shame, sometimes, that I don’t update as often as I should. I could probably build up a nice little audience even if I only posted something every couple of days or so. I apologize. As many of you…

  • Stupid Allergies

    Stupid allergies.  They make you look like you’re a big crybaby, your eyes watering and making you blow your nose and then your eyes watering some more. I’m really bummed.  We had to get rid of Snoopy, the last dog from Daisy’s litter, last night.  She was only 7 years old, but she…

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