Category: Pets & Animals

  • An Open Letter To Pets

    An Open Letter To Pets

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22180 – 750: Found this in the old e-mail archives and thought I’d share it with you. I could find no accreditation. <><><><> Dear Dog and/or Cat, When I say to move, it means go someplace else, not switch positions with each other so there are still…

  • My Rant About Your “Beloved Pet” – Buy A Leash Or Kill Your Pet

    My Rant About Your “Beloved Pet” – Buy A Leash Or Kill Your Pet

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22137 – 708: (Warning: This post is too gross for some of you and you probably should not even read it and learn its very important lesson.) If you are approaching me on a trail and pull out a bow and arrows and just start randomly shooting…

  • Dog Or Cat Or Whatever

    Dog Or Cat Or Whatever

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22124-695: I’ve grown up around critters. Mostly cats and dogs and cows. As a parent, I’ve been exposed to more variation. When my son was growing up he had snakes and turtles and an iguana and rats and I don’t know what all. Another child had a…

  • The Origin Of Pets – Or Not

    The Origin Of Pets – Or Not

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22123-694: I had been cruising along with my daily blogging fairly well, scheduling posts ahead of time, then I got hit by a truck and now I have fallen behind. Well, I am still maintaining my streak and my commitment so I guess I’m not really behind.…

  • The Way Things Went Down Yesterday

    The Way Things Went Down Yesterday

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22092-662: Okay peeps, These are the haps, My wife had been feeling lethargic for the last few days and just didn’t feel right yesterday. We have, among other bits and pieces of assorted medical equipment a pulse/oximeter or a pulse-ox for short. This little device measures the…

  • This Blog Is Going to the Dogs

    This Blog Is Going to the Dogs

    Ever since I committed to putting something up here every single day, there have been days when I have had nothing to say and/or no time to say it. There are a couple of posts that are in the works, but I don’t want to rush them. If I rush…

  • Short About Pets

    Short About Pets

    It always makes me sad. One of our eighteen year old cats, Fee-Foe, The Gentle Giant, the smallest of the four we had, needed to be put down. She was one of the first two cats that daughter got when she was twelve, a brother and sister duo. She developed…

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