Category: Patriotism

  • T Roosevelt Quote

    There is an e-mail circulating with a quote about immigration from Theodore Roosevelt. It is only partial and after some homework I found a couple of interesting quotes: “In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and…

  • I Still Swear…So Help Me God

    *Standing at attention, right arm at ninety degree angle* “I, Herbert C. Thiel, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey…

  • Voting

    My theory in choosing a liberal as a running mate was that it would blow the collective mind of the lefty media.  They wouldn’t know how to cover it.  But after Jerry’s comments I gave it some more thought.  The media wouldn’t freak out, they would just fall in love…

  • How To Vote

    I am going to give you a quick lesson on how to pick your candidates.  Probably the most important thing an American can do in our democracy, which is actually a representative republic, is often relegated to listening to 30 second attack ads and a biased propaganda machine.  If you…

  • Remember! Remember! Remember!

    This is a reprint from one I found a couple of years ago that I think is even more relevant now. I found this floating around a couple of places and do not know who the author is. I wish I had written it, but I didn’t. If it belongs…

  • Flag Burning Amendment

    I have said before that Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 is probably one of the most important books a person can and should read. While Orwell’s 1984 may be more accurate I think Bradbury leaves us with a true glimmer of hope, which Orwell does not. Both books should be read…

  • Talking to the Neighbor

    I got to talking to the neighbor last night.  He’s a young guy, just fresh back from Iraq. His dogs and my dog play with each other and so we stood visiting.  He has the new CAB, Combat Action Badge.  Since only 11-series MOS can receive the CIB, Combat Infantry Badge, the army has designed this…

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